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Your flight for only a fraction upfront

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And the rest in installments

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No credit check, no interest

Just a transparent one-time service fee

Flexible payment plan

Choose the plan that works for you

Lock in your fare now

Don't miss out on a great deal

24/7 customer support

Focus on the fun of travel - not the stress

Airfordable flies with you

Book & manage your flights from anywhere. Download the app to get started.

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Need to go back to our previous site to book with screenshots?Book using a screenshot

Accessible. Flexible. Easy. And done!

Discover the Airfordable difference

Planning your trip doesn’t need to feel like a chore. We put in the work so you don’t have to!

Book your favorite airlinesillustration
Book your favorite airlines
Complete control over your payment scheduleillustration
Complete control over your payment schedule
Manage multiple tripsillustration
Manage multiple trips

Airfordable is the way to go!

Trusted by 500,000+ satisfied travelers, each with their unique stories and incredible adventures to share. Read real Airfordable traveler reviews.

What makes us different

No hidden fees. No credit checks

Pay a one time service fee for each booking. No credit checks. We don't believe your credit score is the best representation of you.

Price protection

When you book with us, you can secure your airfare well in advance when prices are cheaper. Protect yourself from the notorious airline price hikes no one likes.

Amazing community

Our travelers are a diverse group looking for creative ways to travel and budget. Airfordable is the bond that brings them together.

In good hands

The Airfordable team's sole mission is to help you travel more, but in an easy and financially responsible way. We're here for you.

Flexible and guaranteed

Pay only a fraction upfront for your flights. You will receive your e-ticket once the final payment is made. No gimmicks. No hassle. Just accessible travel for your needs.

Safe and secure

Every interaction with Airfordable uses bank-level security and encryption. Your sensitive data is safe with us.

Great support at your fingertips

Dealing with airlines can be a hassle. Our team does the legwork for you, so you can focus on the fun — not the stress.

Available 24/7

We're always here to help you, day or night, with any support you need to book your perfect trip.

Frequently Asked

Reach us by email

Have a question, comment, or review? Our team can always be reached by email at

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Talk to support

Our in-app chat will send you directly to a member of our team for the one-on-one support you need.

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Approved by the press

“Airfordable's value comes at the intersection of volatile ticket prices.... By locking in a ticket price up front, users can benefit by securing a better price on airfare while demand stays low and the date of departure is still far away.”

“A service like Airfordable could mean the difference between someone being able to take a trip or not – turning it into a priceless service.”

“The best part about Airfordable is that your ticket is paid off before your trip, so you don’t have to deal with debt once you return home. For someone who doesn’t want to miss out on a trip to see family and friends, a vacation or a life milestone, this can be a really great service.”

“Airfare is usually cheaper when you buy further in advance, but what if you haven't planned for a trip, or saved up the cash yet? One new solution is Airfordable.”

Making travel Airfordable

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